Good nutrition in cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular diseases are common and are a health risk.

Think of high blood pressure (hypertension), elevated cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidaemia), heart failure, myocardial infarction, CVA, Tia, reduced kidney function, renal insufficiency, etc.

Good nutrition and a good lifestyle can reduce the risk of getting these conditions.

What is a good diet for cardiovascular disease?
Much is unclear about a good diet for cardiovascular disease.
should you eat a low fat diet or not?
what are good fats and what are bad fats?
are saturated fats bad?
what are trans fats?
which products are good to eat?
what is better to avoid?
can coconut oil?
are egg cakes and gingerbread good because they are low in fat?
what foods affect your cholesterol? and your blood pressure?

does diet affect my medications?
can I use less medication with good nutrition?
Specializes in Cardiovascular Disease
It is good to know that this practice specializes in guidance for nutritional and lifestyle questions related to cardiovascular disease. You can count on correct, reliable information based on scientific research (evidence based). No nonsense and hypes. No use of unnecessary supplements.
Can't see the wood for the trees anymore? Then make an appointment, you are welcome at one of the locations.
Expert group Diabetes Mellitus, CVRM and heart failure

This practice is a member of the Diabetes Mellitus, CVRM (Cardio Vascular Risk Management) and Heart Failure expert group. This is a group of specialist dietitians who develop dietary treatment guidelines based on the latest scientific research. These guidelines are made for all dietitians in the region and apply to the chain care agreements. The expert group also provides refresher courses to fellow dieticians and develops information material for practice nurses, such as general advice on high cholesterol. The expert group is also a source of information for colleagues. So you get the latest information first hand!

Reimbursement of the costs can be done via integrated care or from the basic insurance. Click the button for more information
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